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Can BQ24610 use DC as input?

Hardware design
3月 04, 2021 by Talon 2339

Who has used ti's BQ24610? I see that the input voltage in the official demo description is AC. I don’t know if I can use DC as input. I want to input 15V and charge the battery to 14V.


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Felipe 發表於 March 4, 2021

This way of writing is very confusing and very nonsense.

AC adapter, AC adapter, the output of the AC adapter is a DC signal........

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Clark 發表於 March 4, 2021

Oops, I was wondering if this is the case. I took my laptop charger, which is also an AC adapter, which outputs 19.5V 9.23A, and the DC shouldn’t run away.

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Clare 發表於 March 4, 2021

The specification is misleading, the input is DC.



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